Hi, I'm Stephanie McGrath.
I'm a writer, a digital thinker, a creator of online stories, a lover of travel. About Me →
From the Blog
From the Twitters
Could we get paid to live tweet do you think? https://t.co/lntB0MW9zD
Sometimes I’d like to drink coffee all morning and just sit & listen to @TheCurrentCBC and cluck my tongue and shak… https://t.co/72nwEGuJ7T
In just a few weeks, so few you can count the time by days if you wanted, I will journey to Las Vegas.
Whilst there I shall indulge in little-to-no gambling, but a great deal of restaurant-frequenting. Truly, however, the reason I'll make my way to Nevada is for Britney. Britney Spears. (Just in case there was any confusion.)
My path and Britney's first crossed in 1999 and you can learn all about it with my very detailed explanation of how and why I got paid to go to more than one Britney Spears concerts.